Monday, February 9, 2009

She's on fire

Kaia was on fire walking today. It's like she is turning a corner or a switch is happening in her brain that maybe walking can be as or more efficient that crawling. Several times today she would go from a supported standing position to another supported standing position via a few independent steps. I think she walked 5 feet in the living room that way. It was so cute, she did so with these short, staccato steps; almost a run. She has done this before but the quality of her movement and steps is getting so much better. I probably sound like a therapist when I say that but it's true. Lately I've been surprised by just how much she is choosing to stand without support as well, even when not enticed by a favorite toy. And over the weekend she was walking most excellently with one hand held. Most of the time she would hold on to just one of my fingers, as if she just needed the security that she was indeed being supported.

Then, tonight. It was a gorgeous day here. All of our recent snowfall has melted and it was almost 60 degrees today. So after dinner Paul took her outside to push her wagon. Even with all the above progress I still could not believe it when he said that she walked 27 consecutive steps! chasing the wagon just slightly out of reach ahead of her. That's a record. I wish he could've gotten video of it. I am feeling more and more optimistic that she is getting closer and closer to walking independently. She is such an amazing little girl.


Jenny said...

That's wonderful!! I'm so happy for all of you!

Sherry C said...

Way to Walk Girl! That is very exciting.