A close friend of my sister’s gave me this book (along with several other helpful books) when Kaia was just a newborn. I don’t think I’ve read a more honest account of the first year of new motherhood. I related to so much in this book. I think it should be required reading for any new mother. I absolutely love the complexity of the author – the juxtaposition of her love of Jesus with her adamant defense of a woman’s right to choose and her hatred of Bush. I love people, like her, that don’t buy into the world as a black and white place.
I had read so many pregnancy books while pregnant and so many “how to get your child to be the perfect sleeper” books after Kaia was born. None came close to the helpfulness of this book. The author is brutally honest about the downright torture of sleep deprivation accompanying new motherhood. No one else told things as straight up as she did. I remember people cooing at Kaia and telling me over and over again to cherish those times. I wanted to slap them because I was so exhausted. This book made me feel okay about that. I highly recommend everyone purchase this book and give it as a baby shower gift. Trust me, the baby will outgrow those cute outfits in a matter of months but this book will be a gift to the new mom in a lasting and meaningful way. The only thing better would be the gift that a gentleman from the author’s church gave to her: showing up at a new mom’s door and offering to clean her bathroom.
I had read so many pregnancy books while pregnant and so many “how to get your child to be the perfect sleeper” books after Kaia was born. None came close to the helpfulness of this book. The author is brutally honest about the downright torture of sleep deprivation accompanying new motherhood. No one else told things as straight up as she did. I remember people cooing at Kaia and telling me over and over again to cherish those times. I wanted to slap them because I was so exhausted. This book made me feel okay about that. I highly recommend everyone purchase this book and give it as a baby shower gift. Trust me, the baby will outgrow those cute outfits in a matter of months but this book will be a gift to the new mom in a lasting and meaningful way. The only thing better would be the gift that a gentleman from the author’s church gave to her: showing up at a new mom’s door and offering to clean her bathroom.
hi debbie!!!!
i remember those days..feeling like I was walking around in water that was waist deep - you could get there, but it was slow going! Choosing between folding the laundry and a nap while my girls were sleeping and always having the nap lose...longing for sleep like an impatient lover!
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