It’s still too early for garage sales so I checked out craigslist. It’s a little pricier than garage sales in general but sometimes you can find exactly what you’re looking for without driving to a bunch of sales.
I picked up this toy on Sunday afternoon. It was in great shape, had never been used outside, and cost only 10 bucks. We put batteries in it and Kaia loved pushing all the keys and buttons. She’s really isolating her pointer finger to push now. I tried to show her how to use her legs to push but she just didn’t quite get it.

On Wednesday her PT made her weekly visit and worked with Kaia for about a half hour on the ride on toy. She helped Kaia put her legs back up on her toes and assisted her to push the toy backwards with her feet. By the end, Kaia was then pushing the toy forward if you prompted her with the backward assist. She still wouldn’t keep going though. I continued to work with her after the PT left until her nap. Right after lunch she pointed and vocalized to her toy so I assisted her on to it by helping her shift her weight to one leg and again prompted her by giving her the backwards assist. Kaia pushed forward and then kept going! It’s so cool to see her getting it, to see that connection form in her brain, to see her learn and progress. She loves this toy, and hubby had to admit it was a good buy!
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